Sweet are the days whenever we meet,
Gathered there near the mercy-seat.
His grace provides a sweet perfume,
When, with Christ, we commune,
Together, we gather, to renew,
Those things we all hold True.
How fortunate to gather, are we,
In His presence, here to see,
Truth, as if from the Savior’s lips
So that each soul, now equips,
Himself to seek and find the lost,
Because sweet Jesus paid the cost.
Sweet are these days,
Touched by grace,
For this reason, we all embrace
The gift of life which came by love
And builds for us, our home above.
Sweet Jesus is our only friend,
Whose promise holds good to the end.
by Faith Smalling
Faith and her husband, Terry, serve with the Wagoner church of Christ in Wagoner, OK. Terry has served as the pulpit minister there for seven years. Faith enjoys doing public speaking and writing poetry as well as spending time with their Boston Terrier.
Yes, sweet are the days as Christians!! Thank you for your lovely poem.