When you come to the end of the day,
and you bow your head to pray,
You thank the Lord for his watch and care,
and for the goodness He did share.
You know that it was He who stood by your side,
when the waves of life were at high tide.
You thank Him and praise his name,
you know without him life wouldn’t be the same.
Your life, your love, your trust you fully give,
when day by day with him you live.
No one is greater and more worthy than He,
To serve Him is the best that you can be.
He is your protector, counselor and friend,
and you give your pledge to serve Him to the end.
You know deep in your heart for all your days
He is worthy of your devotion and your praise.
By June Smith
June and her husband, Mike worship with the Eisenhower church of Christ in Odessa, TX, where he serves as an elder. June teaches ladies Bible class and works with Odessa Christian School as the school librarian. They are blessed with a son and daughter who are both married. They have a granddaughter and grandson who light up their lives. She enjoys writing poems and articles for ladies devotionals.
June, glad to see your poem shared on this site.
Thanks Dena
Thank you for your encouraging poem. ?