In Numbers 35 we read that God instructed the Israelites to designate six cities as cities of refuge. If an individual killed someone without intending to, that person could flee to one of these cities and would be safe from those who might try to retaliate. The manslayer would be protected from harm as long as he stayed in the city.
In a similar way, our homes need to be a place of refuge from the evils of the world. Our homes should provide an atmosphere in which our family and friends find a place of comfort and a reprieve from the stresses of the world. Our homes need to be a place of peace instead of strife, calm instead of chaos, an atmosphere of nurturing instead of nagging.
You’ve heard the expression “When momma?s not happy, nobody?s happy!” Like it or not, we have great influence on the mood that is in our home. Remember that the worthy woman has the law of kindness is on her tongue.
When children are little, parents put a lot of effort into making sure that their environment is safe. But we also need to think about spiritual protection of our family, as well as those who visit in our homes. It’s difficult enough to resist evil influences when we are out and about, but what about in our homes? In some cases it seems like Satan has come knocking on the door, and instead of telling him to go away, we say come on in. Our homes should not be places where we expose, desensitize, and tempt people to sin, but rather a place where our family and our friends can feel safe spiritually, a place to have a reprieve from the evil influences of the world.
What kind of home environment have you created? Do you invite Satan to dwell in your home? Or, is your home a SAFE HAVEN, a place of refuge from the evils of the world; a place where all who come there can feel safe, because Jesus lives there?
By Joy Jensen
Joy and her husband George live and serve as missionaries in Iringa, Tanzania, East Africa. They have four children, and a much-loved son-in-law. You can follow her adventures (and find many wonderful posts) at her blog.
Thanks, Joy, for another great article! I really appreciate your comparison of our homes to a place of refuge. Once again, just what I needed to hear.