This month Come Fill Your Cup is focusing on my favorite part of worship, the song service. While no one will ever say, “Chelli, you have such a beautiful voice,” I do love to sing and love to hear others sing praises to our God.
In case you haven’t noticed, this month contains a little holiday about love. A holiday where you let people know how special they are by sending a card or a valentine their way. From the idea of songs and valentines my Let It Overflow Challenge was born.
This month take the time to thank those wonderful men who lead us in worship every Sunday.
Here is what you need:
- Old songbook or hymnal that you can take pages from
- Cardstock (various colors)
- Modge Podge glue (You can find this in any arts and crafts area of a store.)
First, find your favorite hymn or hymns in the songbook. Carefully tear them out so you have one song for each song leader. Using a sponge brush, put Modge Podge on the back of the hymn and glue to the front of a piece of cardstock folded like a card. Now carefully cover the entire front of the card and hymn with Modge Podge paying special attention to the edges where the hymn meets the cardstock. I let the older kids in the congregation do this part.
Let dry overnight.
Now, cut out heart shapes and glue over and around the hymn on the front using regular white glue. I had our lower elementary kids cut out the hearts while the older ones were working on the first step.
On the inside write a nice message or verse about singing, hearts, praise, etc. I let the upper elementary kids write these.
Have all the children sign the cards during Bible class and give to your congregation’s song leaders. Often times these men are overlooked when we think of those who minister to our congregations, but they are wonderful servants of God so let’s make sure they know it!
So let your love of singing overflow this month by thanking those who lead us,
What a wonderful idea Chelli, Thanks for sharing.