We are always on the lookout for great Christian tools, so when I was able to get a sneak peak at new material from Kaio Publications, I jumped at the chance. Our family was able to preview an electronic book, Family Devotionals: Object Lessons from the Kitchen. The lesson we chose took one simple kitchen item and made a spiritual application. From start to finish, we were able to read a few passages of scripture, read the lesson, ask a few questions, and pray in about 10-15 minutes. For us, that is a perfect amount of time in the mornings for our family. Although our children are 11 and 14 and it was easy to make the lesson applicable to them, it could have adapted beautifully for smaller children, all the while, giving a practical reminder for my husband and me as well.
This electronic devotional book contains about 30 lessons. Each lesson looks do-able with many items we already have around our kitchen (or items our kids might want us to have…like cookies or cake). The lessons generally contain a main scripture, materials needed, a suggested song, a lesson, and a prayer. This group of lessons seemed like it would be particularly great for a mother to use with children of all ages as they work together in the kitchen.
What I love about these lessons is that they really epitomize Deuteronomy 6:4-7, “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” I love that they challenge us to look at simple, every day tools in a spiritual light and to share that with our families. These may even spur you on to come up with some of your own object lessons.
Kaio Publications has been a long time favorite of our family. This year, they have a wonderful series that rings true with the Godly quality that can be expected from Kaio. Family Devotionals currently has four books of object lessons by various authors: Object Lessons from the Kitchen, Object Lessons from the Garage, Object Lessons from the House, and Object Lessons from the Yard. There is also an option available to buy all four e-books plus the rights to make printouts available to your whole congregation. These can be purchased and immediately downloaded at their website at www.kaiopublications.org. If you are looking for a physical disk to purchase, those are also available through the Gospel Advocate or Freed Hardeman University bookstores. Be on the lookout for more in the series coming out in January: Object Lessons from the Science Lab, Object Lessons from the Garden, Object Lessons from Hunting and Fishing, and Object Lessons from the Great Outdoors.
By Heidi Sprouse
Heidi Sprouse and her family worship with the church of Christ in Rocky Ford, Colorado, where her husband is the preacher. She works as a secretary for the local school district. They have two children, Hannah and Caleb. Her family really enjoys time together in the Word each morning before everyone goes off to work or school.
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