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Do you ever find yourself shaking your head over the confusion in our society about the roles of husbands, wives, and parents? Many sitcoms portray husbands as clueless while the wives have to solve the problems their husbands created. Unfortunately, this backward view of marriage has found its way into some of our homes. Moms and dads have tried so hard to be their children’s friends that they’ve neglected to be their parents. The children plan their schedule, always choose the restaurants, and determine their own behavior and dress guidelines. No wonder the stable, peaceful home has become such a novelty! While this topic is a basic one, it’s good to be reminded of God’s plan for the family. His way is always for our good and leads to successful marriages and happy homes.
It will be more practical if we organize this Bible-marking topic into sub-topics. For example, if you ever want to just focus on the role of the wife, you can turn right to those verses instead of having to go through the whole chain. Some of the verses will overlap, so you might consider using a different color for each The front of your Bible (or wherever you list your Bible-marking topics) should look like this:
Family Roles:
Husbands- Prov. 18:22
Wives- Prov. 31:10-31
Fathers- Psa. 103:13
Mothers- Psa. 127:3
Children- Prov. 6:20
Because there will be so many verses in this study, I will not be able to write them out but will simply list them with a brief summary of what they teach. As you mark them in your Bible, look for key thoughts to underline or circle. And don’t forget to write the next verse at the end of each passage.
Prov. 18:22- The husband should recognize that having a wife is “a good thing.”
Matt. 5:27-32- The husband should be committed to his marriage. Write in the margin, “see also Mark 10:1-11.”
1 Cor. 7:1-11- The husband is to find sexual satisfaction with his wife only. He is to show his wife affection and enjoy her body.
Eph. 5:22-33- The husband is to be the head of the wife and he is to love his wife. Underline the ways he is to love her.
Col. 3:19- Husbands are to love their wives and be forgiving.
1 Tim. 5:8- Husbands are to provide for their household.
1 Pet. 3:7- Husbands are to be understanding and are to honor their wives.
Prov. 31:10-31- Underline the traits of the “excellent wife.”
Mark 10:12- Wives are to be committed to their marriage.
1 Cor. 7:1-11- The wife is to be physically affectionate with her husband. She should never withhold sex as a means of punishment. Her body belongs to him.
1 Cor. 11:3- The wife must understand that God made her husband to be head over her.
Eph. 5:22-33- The wife is to submit to her husband, be subject to her husband, and respect her husband. Pay special attention to how and in what ways.
Col. 3:18- Wives are to submit to their husbands.
Tit. 2:4,5- Wives are to love their husbands, take care of their homes, and be subject to their husbands.
1 Pet. 3:1-6- Wives are to submit to their husbands, be respectful, have pure conduct, and a display a gentle and quiet spirit.
Psa. 103:13- Fathers are expected to show compassion to their children.
Psa. 127:3-5- Fathers should view their children as a blessing.
Prov. 3:11,12- Fathers are to discipline their children. In the margin, write, “see also Prov. 13:24; 19:18; 22:15.”
Prov. 22:6- Fathers (and mothers) are to train their children.
Eph. 6:4- Fathers aren’t to provoke their children but are to discipline and instruct them in the Lord.
Col. 3:21- Fathers shouldn’t discourage their children by provoking them.
Heb. 12:7- Fathers are expected to discipline their sons.
Psa. 127:3- Mothers should view their children as a reward. Children are a blessing, not a burden.
Prov. 29:15- Mothers are to discipline their children.
Isa. 66:13- Mothers are expected to comfort their children.
2 Tim. 1:5- Mothers have great influence over the faith of their children.
Tit. 2:4- Mothers are to love their children.
Prov. 6:20- Children are to embrace the training of their parents.
Prov. 15:20- Children are not to despise their mother.
Prov. 23:22-25- Children are to listen to their father, not despise their mother, and make their parents glad by living righteously. In the margin, write, “See also Prov. 30:17.”
Matt. 19:19- Jesus reinforces the command that children are to honor their parents.
Rom. 1:28-32- Children need to understand the seriousness of disobeying their parents.
Eph. 6:1,2- Children are to obey and honor their parents. In the margin, write, “See also Exodus 20:12; Prov. 20:20.”
Col. 3:20- Children are to obey their parents in all things.
Heb. 12:9-11- Children should respect their fathers when they discipline them because fathers discipline as they see best for the good of their children.
May we ever pray, “God, give us Christian homes!”
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I loved this article! I am in the process of gathering all the scriptures related to the family unit for an upcoming block class in my congregation concerning family roles. I will be printing out this article for them! As always, I appreciate all of your bible marking articles 🙂
I’m happy to hear it, Ashley! Thanks so much for the encouragement!