Have you ever been asked to say something in public or say a public prayer and when you’re done you walk away saying, “That’s not what I wanted to say!”? I do it all of the time and this will be one of those moments.
I’ve been asked to write a “Thank You” to Erynn for starting the “Come Fill Your Cup” website. So I start out by saying “Thank You Erynn”!! But wait, no, that’s just too small for what I mean. I wanted to say, “Thank you for starting such a wonderful website to uplift other women.” Wait, no, it’s even deeper than that. Thank you for having the vision to want to share with other women the beauty and depth of God’s word. Nope, that’s not it either…… Get the picture? This is crazy hard for me and I know it’s going to end with…..”That’s not what I wanted to say!”, but here goes.
Erynn approached me one day with her idea of having a website that women could go to every day and be encouraged through God’s word. I thought it was a GREAT idea! Social media was growing RAPIDLY and using the internet to reach out with God’s word was just the natural next step. A lot of Christian women were blogging (Which is wonderful, keep it up!!) but Erynn had a bigger vision than that. She wanted to pull in other Christian women that could share from their wisdom and be encouragers for others out there. She wasn’t sure at first if it was something that would take off. Silly girl! I told her that I could help by spreading the word and stirring up interest but that was about all I was good for. I was basically the “you got this” person shoving her from behind.
Let me clarify one thing. Erynn didn’t do this for her own glory. She wasn’t working to “get her name out there”. Erynn loves people!! But even more than that, Erynn loves the Lord and His word!! She wanted to help those that are hurting. She wanted to encourage young mothers that felt like they had no time to grow spiritually. She wanted to touch the lives of the lonely. She wanted to honor those with years of wisdom. She wanted to share the depth of God’s word, you know, the stuff that so many Christians don’t dig into.
Erynn also wanted to start some form of Ladies Retreat where ladies from all over the United States could come together and really dig into God’s word. She didn’t want a fluffy theme or decorations. (Not that those things are bad, they have their place.) The whole spiritual development retreat was her idea. I had been tossing around some ideas of my own where that was concerned but she was the one that said “we need to do this”. Now we’ve had 5 retreats outside of Denver, 1 in Georgia, 1 in Tennessee and 1 in Oklahoma, so we’ve studied 8 books (Actually 10. We did 1, 2 & 3 John.). All because of Erynn!
Erynn, I hope you know who you are. You are an AMAZING encourager!! (You were the young woman that I needed in my life!!!) I’ve watched you laugh and cry with so many other women! You truly care for others! Your love for the Lord and His word is contagious!!! I LOVE hearing you teach! Your love for what you are sharing shines through every word! Your quirky sense of humor is just an added blessing to what you share. Your face just lights up when you smile and that is most of the time. Your tender heart is such a blessing!!!
I also want to make sure that I acknowledge the fact that we recognize the sacrifice that you have made over the last 5-6 years as you have been the glue to hold this project all together. It takes a lot of your time and energy and we thank you for that!! I was looking at just the Facebook page today and it shows from the time period of 12/04/2015 – 12/10/2015, 3,987 Total page likes and 6,930 Total Reach. Now, I know you’re not in charge of the Facebook page, but……it’s because of you that SO many women are being encouraged DAILY!!! Not only that, but from the website you and others have branched out into amazing quality study books for women. Our God is amazing!!
Now, here’s the most exciting point about all of this…….. Erynn, you are still a living, breathing servant and I know you’re not done. I’m SOOOO excited to see what you have in store for me, I mean us, for the future!!!
So, thank you Erynn!! No, that’s not enough!! THANK YOU ERYNN SOOOOO MUCH!!! Nope, not even close. Thank you for loving us SO much that you give of yourself!!! For CONTINUALLY laying down your life for others!! Well, that’s better, but…I told you….that’s just not what I wanted to say…..
I sure love you bunches!!
- Love, It Changes Lives - July 17, 2017
- Walking in His Shoes - June 30, 2016
- Prayer: Trusting God To Work in Our Lives - January 7, 2016
Oh, Tami! I just don’t even know what to say! God gave me you and all these women and He blessed this project and blessed all of us… and God is SOOOO GOOD! I love you dearly and your encouragement has meant (and continues to mean) more than I could say. Thank you for this sweet article. It’s definitely a treasure for me. <3 <3 <3