Welcome to Beyond the Foam!
We are extremely excited to be sharing this project with you all – this is an amazing opportunity for both of us, and we pray that this becomes a valuable resource and encouragement to all who read it.
Although, really, you might be wondering right now about what Beyond the Foam even means. Foam? Steamed milk foams wonderfully, and tastes amazing in coffee, a drink both of us are extremely fond of. However, were we to just live off of foamy milk, we would be undernourished, unhealthy, and seriously craving some Tex-Mex.
Hebrews 5:12 – 14 says “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.”
A lot of women today are living only on spiritual milk, especially younger women; this liquid diet has left them woefully uneducated and unprepared for the difficult situations that life has in store for their relationships, their careers, and their faith. Not only that, but we as young women are constantly hearing about topics such as modesty and purity. Please don’t get us wrong; modesty and purity are very important subjects. However, it is time that we looked at some heavier, deeper, or even just other simple topics that we women rarely are taught. If we are merely focused on dressing modestly and remaining pure, then we are focusing on the outward parts of our Christianity; there still remains the infinite regions of the inner soul that are untouched, unexplored, and unrefined by the transforming power of the Word.
Unfortunately, more and more people are falling away from the church because they never learned about the depths of the teachings of Christ. We need to hear about how we can reach out to those around us and lead them to Christ. We need to know how we can successfully study our Bibles to get the most out of it. We need to know how to argue with those that counter the teaching of the Bible so that we are not led astray by the teachings of the world. We as young ladies need to learn how to dig into the meat of the Word to grow and become mature, healthy Christians. It is time to stop living off of milk, and start getting into the meat of the Word, looking beyond a few simple passages that talk about how women should dress and act. It is time to start digging.
Here at “Beyond the Foam”, we are making it our goal to teach women in their teens and twenties the depths of Christ, getting past the milk and the “elementary doctrine” that we are so often given. It is our goal to dig deeper into the text and be a support and inspiration to those who crave more than just milk. We hope that you gain further knowledge and understanding of the Bible and that we can aid you in your daily walk with Christ.
In Christian Love,
Co-Editors of Beyond the Foam
- When All Has Been Heard - September 11, 2017
- Being Like Joseph - April 3, 2017
- Psalm 13 - January 23, 2017
This is so exciting!! I love this idea!!