Have you read Sarah Fallis’ second Drama of Redemption book? Its title (subtitle, really) is Walking With Jesus Through The Prophets. Let me make you want to read it, if you haven’t. And, as I’ve already broken my promise to have done just that about a month ago, I won’t give you a chapter by chapter review. I want to briefly make you understand why you need to read this book and then go teach all the prophets to your Bible classes.
I had the privilege to assist Sarah Fallis in her elementary-aged Bible class a few short years ago. She astounded me then with the level of understanding she was able to impart to children in third and fourth grades. She was teaching them the shadow of Jesus in Old Testament prophecy. She was teaching them the significance of words like fulfill, kingdom, and remnant and how they were related to the church – even how they were related to this group of kids, aged nine or ten. Have you ever heard of the like? It wasn’t until I was an adult when I began to understand the prophecies and their importance, and Sarah has understood her whole life that it should not be this way in the Lord’s church. Children can learn whatever we can teach them from God’s word.
However, I believe Sarah understands our trepidation. She begins this work explaining why we must be teaching the prophets to our children. To do this, she first reviews all the objections, like “children can’t understand or relate to those teachings.” She quite effectively disproves those myths, but the one she was too polite to include is that many of us don’t understand them ourselves! Or, we haven’t taken the time to learn them. Sisters, this book will remedy that! Read it, and you will begin a beautiful journey of understanding what was prophesied, what it means, and how it was fulfilled. The author points out that we need not worry that we can’t fit all of it neatly into a timeline. It isn’t necessary to the process, so don’t let that hold you back. Prophecy in scripture is not just for History buffs! It is, however, directly linked to your faith. She wrote in this book that, as children of God, we need to know the very nature of God. We need a clear picture of punishment and promise. And, oh the promises our Father gave to the prophets! If you don’t know them, you’ve missed out on a giant portion of God’s love and providence. If we allow the ones who are the future of the church to miss out on that, to what will they cling when bombarded by worldly teaching devices meant to pull them from Truth?
This book tears down the daunting wall we sometimes believe this 30% of the Bible to be. Sarah very simply teaches you the meanings, the significance, and how to teach prophesies – even including specific things to say to your students! If you don’t know from the first book in this series, Walking With Jesus From Creation To Canaan, this book is a resource book. This means that she not only teaches you how to teach or what to say, she also includes charts, exercises, and artwork to reproduce and use. There is no guesswork or long hours of searching for the right handout or illustration. Sarah has included everything you need to have a successful Bible class. Read this book cover to cover. You will even learn from her endorsements and introduction in the front and the appendix in the back.
We, the church, need to be teaching the full Bible to our children. We cannot leave gaps in their spiritual education just because we believe a portion of God’s word to be difficult or intimidating. Read this book and grow. Grow and then teach. Grow while you teach. The Drama of Redemption: Walking With Jesus Through The Prophets is so well written and gives you all the tools you need to get started right away. You can do this! We all need to do this. Thank you, Sarah Fallis, for teaching us how.
by Sandi Smith
Sandi was raised a preacher’s kid in Illinois. She now homeschools her four children in Fort Worth, TX with her husband of 18 years, Joe. Sandi loves teaching ladies’ Bible classes, and is a regular instructor for the Preacher Wives Program at the Brown Trail School of Preaching.
**CLICK HERE to read the Book review of Sarah’s first book, The Drama of Redemption: Walking With Jesus From Creation to Canaan.**
Note: The author was in no way compensated for this review nor was Come Fill Your Cup, its Editor or affiliates.
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This sounds excellent and perfect timing to read with my six year old son!
This sounds like a wonderful book.