Today I was sitting at my kitchen table and let out a sigh as I heard my six month old baby girl let out another good, long, hearty cry. This had been one with several before it. She was fighting what I knew she needed- sleep. I got up, walked up the stairs, and followed the policy faithfully passed down to me by my big sissy: one good long hug, a little bouncing and some tender whispers in the tiny ear, and then back to bed to get your rest whether they’d give in or not. I opened her door and picked up her tiny body.
She was stiff from head to toe with her arms stretched out, her whole face was wet. I embraced her whole body into mine and made sure every foot and arm was in the grasp of my arms and being hugged. I felt her give in, slowly but surely. Within ten seconds her squishy body was relaxed and relinquished to my “more squishy than not, but working on it” self. I whispered to her, I let her head rest on my shoulder and her thumb was quickly in her mouth. I, along with my husband, take care of every single one of her needs and this emotional and affectionate need was soon righted. I comforted her. Once a few minutes had passed, I mustered up my mommy resolve and I laid her back down, she was now calm and went to sleep.
I am telling you this story because as I sat in the bath afterwards and thought about my day, I realized that I am my daughter and my God is my parent in this same exact way. It’s been a harder year than most. It’s been a difficult six months, and a more trying and tearful past few months than I’ve ever had. This morning a dear and treasured friend reminded me to “fill my cup” every single day. To go to God’s word and go with no other desire or prayer than for God to simply fill my cup.
Friend, I went to my Bible and meditated on 2 Samuel, chapters 22 and 23. They are David’s Psalm of Deliverance and his Last Song. My cup was replenished by my long now past brother in faith. If you want a godly focus, listen to his praise towards God and His imagery of His saving arms. Listen to the visions of peace he saw through God in his final moments. I then went to this website and read articles and my cup was filled by others love for Christ. I meditated on the verse card my minister gave to me along with several others this week, to memorize. My heart was comforted.
My heart is heavy for reasons I know, some so close to my heart it stings, while some reasons are vague and more than likely closely related to my hormones. My body and soul was a lot like my daughters, I was stiff and tight with stress. My face was wet with tears and I needed the help of my Heavenly Father. It is as warm and necessary as those tender motherly hugs I needed, and we all needed when we were young. My cup is now full and not empty today. Give in to God. Go to him, your provider, for that sorely needed replenishing hug, meditation, and prayer. Fill your cup with His word and by His people. When your plate is full, your cup needs to be as well. He provides for all of us more than we can even relate to, let Him provide comfort and guidance to you today and every day through His immense wisdom- His Word. The more we are in His Word, the more we will hunger and thirst for it like a baby for its milk (1 Peter 2:2). If you haven’t developed that thirst enough, get in His word today. Let Him fill your cup, and that to overflowing (Psalm 23:5, 16:5).
by Abigail Shofner
- Psalm 119: Mem - October 6, 2017
- An Empty Cup - October 3, 2017
Thank you for your encouraging article. Even we senior citizens need our cups filled and I really needed to read this today.