Psalm 119:160
The sum of Your word is truth,
And every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.
Greetings! To my sister Bible class teachers,
Last week was that once a year, huge labor of love, as we hosted our annual Vacation Bible School! This year it ran for 5 days Monday – Friday and was a total blast! A Polar Blast to be exact! The sub-theme was Jesus’ Love is Cool! Our class, grades 4-5 was the banner class two days in a row and then we held steady between 16-20 for the rest of the week while other classes surpassed our numbers and took a turn to hold the banner, the honor of the largest class.
Getting ready for a program such as this can be somewhat overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be if we begin early enough. Decorations made to go with the theme are especially useful if they relate to the Bible lessons. When it comes to displaying key pieces of Bible theme decore I pretty much have a set pattern and plan to incorporate it each day. In our daily schedule, one thing I have learned to expect is those short spans of time when I need something to keep young minds and hands busy but still incorporate Bible.
The game I am going to share should take less than 5 minutes and is really more challenging than one may think.
I call them Bible Blocks and have seen the same concept with picture puzzles. They could actually be used with a picture of the lesson for younger groups but this age group had a lot of fun finding a particular Bible verse for each day. The first day was not too hard but when I added more verses it became a real challenge to find the verse that pertained to that specific day. Below, one team is trying to complete the verse before the other team.
My helpful husband ordered me 6″x6″ cardboard boxes. I taped them shut with packing tape and then covered one set with black contact paper and one without to tell them apart. Next, I added the soft side of sticky velcro (about 3/4″ long) to each of the 4 corners of each side of each box. Next, I took card stock and cut it into 6″x6″ squares, one for each side of each box, laminated these squares, cut them out and added the hook side of the velcro so the card stock would stay attached to the box. I lined up the boxes in groups of 3 and wrote day one’s Bible verse on one side and after that day I added another verse for day two and so on. They are very lightweight and store very easily in a trash bag. That way we could hand a bag of blocks to each team and with a “1, 2, 3, go!” they could dump them out on the floor and get started.
if you notice, a couple of clues to this verse were the dashes and wavy lines. I didn’t want to make it too hard but not too easy either. As I said earlier, our age group loved this game and it was just the filler we needed.
This game can also be used in a regular Bible class and I encourage you to give it a try. You could even use smaller square boxes!
Feel free to leave a comment. I would love to see what you come up with!
To find directions with tips and pictures for this “gold star” game, click on the gold star below!
Praying for our teachers and students!
Gwendolyn Schnell
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