It was my time to shine. I had been waiting for two years for this opportunity and practicing for six years. I was finally on the football field, proudly holding up my trumpet and getting ready to play my first ever solo! It was no ordinary football game either– it was Homecoming. The court was on the field, ready and waiting for their cue to begin their ceremonial march under the flags. That’s where I come in. “Unchained Melody” was my solo, beginning at the very first note of the song. The director stood with arms raised, holding our attention, and on the downbeat, my first note was to begin the march of the Homecoming court. I was well-prepared, ready and excited. My cheering squad of friends stood at the sidelines and yelled in unison, “Go Gillaspie!” I glanced their way, smiled and rolled my eyes. When I looked back up at the director, his arms were moving. Uh-oh! Not good! I missed my cue! I could faintly hear the band behind me, but I was supposed to carry the melody and I had no idea where I should have been. I stood, mortified, with my trumpet up to my trembling lips. In the stands I could see heads leaning toward each other and I know what they were saying– yes, I do. My parents were in the stands recording the tragedy. “I can’t hear her. Can you hear her? Is she playing?” I finally put my trumpet down, ran back to my spot and finished the routine. As soon as we left the field, I was a crying mess.
Why did this happen? I was prepared, ready and excited… and I failed miserably in front of a packed football field! You know what happened: I took my eyes off the director. I got distracted by my cheering squad, my dear friends who had no intention of sabotaging my night. Why am I sharing and reliving my humility? Hopefully you have already read the lesson between the lines.
Keep your eyes on Christ– at all times! Most of us know to avoid Satan’s temptations, but we may let some things that are not evil unto themselves distract us from the Lord and the work He has for us to do. Our jobs, even our friends, family, and the recreations we share with them may distract us from what really matters.
Who is leading your life? What holds your attention?
Colossians 3:2 “Set your affection on things above and not on things of the earth.” Matthew 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” And let us “Lay aside every weight which doth so easily beset us…” (Hebrews 12:2)
If you allow distractions to take your eyes off of Christ, the result will be far worse than the momentary embarrassment I endured in high school. But thank God He has given you today, this very moment. Allow the world to distract you no more: set your eyes on Christ.
Not really pertinent to this lesson, but to finish the story: I begged the band director to give me another chance and the following week I redeemed myself– because I kept my eyes on the director! (But I sure wish my parents had recorded THAT game!)
By Kristy Woodall
Kristy and her husband, Bud Woodall, have been serving at the Vinita, OK church of Christ for the past eight years. Bud is the pulpit minister. Kristy says her greatest accomplishment is her two boys: Lee age 13 and David age 8.
Very good comparison. Very encouraging words. Thank you.
Excellent thought, Kris!
Excellent!!! And some of us are more easily distracted than others. My humiliation was a jump ball in a basketball game. I looked away from my focus and never jumped. I didn’t cry though….I got chewed out cause I couldn’t stop laughing. 🙂 Good thing it wasn’t a “soul” issue!
Great reminder to focus on Christ Kristy! Thanks!!
Thanks Kristy, for the “real life” example!
Of course the classic example of losing focus is Peter (Matthew 8). I loved your modern day example and additional scriptures. Thank you for sharing!