“The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, ‘Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?’”
John 4:28, 29
In John 4, we find the account of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus had been talking to the woman while His disciples went into a Samaritan city to buy food (vs. 1-26). At the close of their conversation, the Samaritan woman tells Jesus, “I know that Messiah is coming. When He comes, He will tell us all things” (vs. 25); to which Jesus replies back, “I who speak to you am He” (vs. 26). At that point, the woman left her waterpot and went into the city to tell others about Jesus Christ (vs. 28, 29).
The woman left what is possibly her only waterpot; she left her means for getting the water necessary to survive. She was in such a hurry to tell others about what had just happened that she left something that she needs in a place where someone could come along and take it. The woman left, not knowing whether or not her waterpot would still be there when she returned. She left something that is considered valuable to tell others about the Messiah. She sacrificed something for Christ’s cause.
We can take what the Samaritan woman did and apply it to our lives. There will come a time when we will have to sacrifice something to continue our walk with Christ. Maybe you’ll have to leave your family to spread God’s word a few hours away or maybe even in a different country. Maybe you’ll have to quit a really good job to attend worship services. Maybe you’ll have to endure being frowned upon by your family because you decided to follow the true gospel rather than upholding the false beliefs they may have. Maybe you’ll have to “miss out” on prom or homecoming because of the sinful atmosphere they tend to have.
The woman at the well is not the only person that had to leave something to follow Christ. Peter and Andrew left their nets (Matthew 4:18-20). James and John left their boat and father (Matthew 4:21-22). Matthew left all that he had (Luke 5:27-28). They all left things immediately. In Luke 9:57-62 we read of one person saying that he will follow Jesus wherever He goes, another says that he will follow Jesus after he buries his father, and another says that he has to tell the others at his house farewell before he will follow Him. God doesn’t want us to make excuses for delaying our commitment to Him; He wants us to follow Him immediately!
Some of the things that you will have to leave may be hard to let go of, but Christ’s cause is worth so much more than the most valuable thing on earth. Leaving the waterpot isn’t hard when we think about what Jesus gave for us, His life!! What will you leave for Christ?
- Going the Distance - July 23, 2020
- There is Peace - July 25, 2019
- Little Did They Know - August 21, 2017
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