Sisters, we are powerful. William Ross Wallace wrote an entire poem entitled, “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World.” This poem is about the power and influence that we, as women, have. Whether as a mother, wife, sister, aunt, daughter, cousin, grandmother or friend, we have a tremendous amount of influence. In both the secular world and the religious world the impact of women is seen all around us. President Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” From the Biblical perspective we have a single woman, Esther, saving an entire race of people. We also have two women: Lois and Eunice, credited for the faith of one of the most effective evangelists the world has ever known: the young man Timothy.
Yet, to risk quoting Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility. While we have multitudes of examples of women doing wonderful things with their power and influence, we also have many examples of things going horribly wrong when women abuse their influence. One of the worst atrocities known to American civilization, that of legal (and often free) abortions, was instigated by a woman. In addition to this the “Women’s Liberation Movement,” which flies in the face of all that is beautiful and unique about womanhood, was instigated by a woman named Betty Friedan with her book, “Feminine Mystique”.
This is nothing new, however. One of the primary purposes of the book of Philippians was to deal with discord that was ripping apart an entire congregation. The source of this discord? Two women, Euodia and Syntyche (Philippians 4:2). And certainly we can’t forget whose brilliant idea it was to eat of the fruit of the one tree in an entire, beautiful oasis that God said to leave alone. Eve; emotional, easily manipulated Eve, was deceived by the serpent, and we are still paying for her lapse in judgment today.
I believe with all of my heart that as Christian women we all want to be women of godly influence and have the relationships that God wants for us. We want loving, godly homes. We want to be respected for our chaste conduct and our love and service to others. We want to be an example for the believers. We pray that those in our lives who matter the most know how much we love them, yet we constantly fear and doubt ourselves. We look around (at Facebook, oh my!) and we see everyone else’s perfect lives and perfect families and we become acutely aware of our own flaws and short-comings. I believe that we all have at least one woman in our lives that we think of and think, “Wow, I could never be like her! I will never be that good…”
So what are we to do? We know the kind of women we want to be, but we are painfully aware of our failings. We know the kind of women that Scripture teaches us to be, but what exactly does that look like in real life? After all we each have our own personalities: what does submission look like in an intelligent, well-spoken woman? How do we balance a gentle and quiet spirit with disciplining our children and being authoritative when we need to? Even worse, what does submission look like when we really disagree with our husband, or when our husband isn’t a Christian? What about for a single woman? When God has given the leadership of His church to the men, what is a single woman to do? How does she serve? How does she use her talents and abilities in a way that glorifies God yet respects His design for authority?
These questions and more are what we are going to be looking at in our newest feature: Generations. We are going to be taking an in-depth and practical look at our role as women as prescribed by Scripture, and how to become the women that God would have us to be. In addition, we are going to be looking at our relationships as women of God. How do we become the Titus 2 women that we long to be? What does a godly marriage look like? How do we help raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? And how do we handle difficult situations with our brethren, or even with those in the world, in a way that will glorify God? We will be looking at these questions and many others through monthly articles in our Generations feature. I hope you will join us as we dig into God’s word and strive to apply it to our lives and relationships as Christian women.
- Upside Down - August 15, 2024
- Generations: What’s the Worst that Could Happen? - December 21, 2022
- Generations: Where Did the Time Go? - November 16, 2022
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